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No Grow – Female Facial Hair Remover


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SKU: NoGrow2 Category:


No Grow is PERMANENT – 99.5% success rate as it neutralises the hair bulb

NO GROW reacts with the matrix bulb at the base of the hair follicle using its main active ingredient Growth Inhibitor. The effect is like replicating the process of male pattern baldness, it starves each hair root of the vital nutrients necessary for hair growth and this kills the hair root stopping the follicle from producing hair.

No Grow works with your hair cycle , therfore you must apply No Grow weekly on the targeted area for 7-8months for it to be permanent – NO maintenance is required once your treatment protcool is complete

No Grow is Not Dependant On The Pigment Of Your Hair. It Covers Blondes, Red, Grey, Fine And Thick Hair, & YES, It’s Better Than Laser

No Grow is not systemically absorbed and only works on the applied area and it will not have an adverse effect on hormone replacement therapy , Chemo patients , Transgenders and pregnant or lactating moms.

How to use it
  • Ensure skin is clean (remove oils, sebum, make-up or creams from the skin).
  • Apply twice the thickness of a credit card on the area.
  • Leave on for prescribed time
    • Face: 5-10 minutes
    • Body: Maximum 20 minutes
    • Intimates: 10-15 minutes
  • Remove excess with spatula.
  • Rinse off with warm water.
  • Do not apply anything over the treated area, unless skin is sensitive, then apply the No Grow Aftercare Gel.
